ALSB Services

The ALSB is fortunate to have several services available. Questions should be directed to the contact listed under each service.

ALSB Mentorship Program

Need help with teaching or research? The ALSB Mentorship Program is here to help. The program pairs experienced faculty with junior members in order to enhance their recognition in their academic communities.  Mentors are assigned based upon mutual research and/or teaching interests and experience. If you would like to be paired with a mentor, why wait.  Experienced faculty are eager to be of assistance. Please contact the ALSB Faculty Liaison, Professor Lucien Dhooge at Georgia Tech at

AACSB International Liaison

The Academy maintains a formal liaison with and is a member of the primary collegiate business schools’ accrediting body: AACSB International. The ALSB’s liaison is:

Professor Janine Hiller
Virginia Tech University

AICPA Representative

Successfully preparing our students for the rigors of their professional practice, as well as their accreditation through the CPA Examination, is critical to the teachers who work with future accountants. ALSB members are encouraged to contact the AICPA representative to discuss any issues and concerns where the interests of the ALSB and the AICPA coincide, including the AICPA’s Board of Examiner’s coverage of the law on the CPA Examination.

ALSB Listserves

ALSB Members may sign on into ALSBTALK. This is an unmoderated listserv for discussion, news, and information from the members to the members on Academy, personal, and law-discipline related material and conversation. Go to the members’-only link and look on the right-hand TOC for the ALSBTALK signin link.

ALSB Section Listserves

If you wish to join a section listserv, please visit the members’-only link and look on the right-hand TOC for the ALSBTALK and Sections Listserv signin link.

CLE Coordinator

ALSB members can register to receive CLE credit for attending the annual conference. The CLE Coordinator for the Academy will request approval from the States where members are seeking credit. The attendee will keep track of their sessions and report the hours attended to the CLE Coordinator on a Certificate of Attendance form.

If you have questions regarding the CLE process or requirements, please contact:

Shelly J. Whitmer
University of Michigan

Job Placement Services

The link below will take you to the latest issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education, where you can search for law-related teaching positions.

Schools may list job postings with the ALSB by sending the relevant information to Web Administrator, Shelly Whitmer, at Members may access these postings by logging into the Members’ Only site and clicking on “Job Postings.”

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