ALSB Publications

In addition to the three publications below (the ABLJ, JLSE, and JBLEP), the ALSB publishes a Newsletter for members three times each academic year:  fall, winter, and spring. Information for the Newsletters may be submitted to Executive Secretary, Dan Herron, at Members may access issues of the Newsletter by logging into the Members’ Only site.

American Business Law Journal

The American Business Law Journal is a quarterly law review published by the Academy of Legal Studies in Business. The Journal is very selective and is double-blind, peer reviewed. Over 900 libraries subscribe to the ABLJ, as well as the 1,000+ ALSB members. Additionally, the journal is available on Westlaw and Lexis.

American Business Law Journal Online:
Members’ may access the journal by logging into the member portal

  • Article Submissions

Unsolicited articles are welcome for publication consideration by the ABLJ. If you are contemplating submitting a piece for ABLJ publication consideration, please review the “Contributor’s Information” below. Electronic copies of articles can be submitted to Please note that the Journal does not accept student works.

Questions concerning submissions may be forwarded to the managing editor at  General questions about the journal may be directed to the Editor-in-Chief, Susan Park.

  •  Call for Reviewers

The ABLJ is seeking new reviewers on a variety of legal subject areas. If you are interested in reviewing for the journal, please send your name, complete address, phone number, e-mail address and subject area expertise to the managing editor at

  • Subscriptions and Advertising

ABLJ subscription and advertising information may be obtained by contacting:

ABLJ Ordering and Subscription Inquiries

Advertising Inquiries

A subscription to the ABLJ (as well as the Journal of Legal Studies Education) is automatic with membership in the Academy of Legal Studies in Business. Membership in the Academy is $60 per year. Correspondence regarding membership should be directed to Daniel J. Herron, ALSB Executive Secretary, via e-mail:

ABLJ Contributor’s Information

ABLJ Editorial Board

Journal of Legal Studies Education

The Journal of Legal Studies Education is published twice a year. The journal is a selective double-blind, peer reviewed publication focusing on pedagogical issues within business legal studies. Please review the “Information for Contributors or Submissions” below.

Journal of Legal Studies Education:
Members’ may access the journal by logging into the member portal

A subscription to the journal is included with all ALSB memberships. Individual and institutional journal subscriptions may be obtained from:

JLSE Ordering and Subscription Inquiries

Advertising in the JLSE is also accepted. Information regarding advertising, including rates, may be obtained from Wiley Publishing.

JLSE Advertising Inquiries

Manuscripts for publication consideration are encouraged. Information for contributors may be obtained from the JLSE Editor-in-Chief, Dale Thompson at

Author Guidelines / Information for Contributors

Manuscripts: The Journal does not accept previously published manuscripts or those that will be published elsewhere. Manuscripts may be sent simultaneously to other journals on the condition that the Journal is advised, and that the author(s) undertake to inform the edition immediately if the work is to be published elsewhere.

The Journal publishes refereed articles, teaching tips, and review of books, and other media. Manuscripts that relate to teaching, research and/or related disciplines such as business ethics, business and society, public policy and individual areas of business law-related specialties which are taught in the non-law schools are appropriate topics. The Journal will also consider short, but well-researched works covering “recent developments” in substantive areas taught by legal studies faculty.

The editorial board selects high quality manuscripts that are of interest to a substantial portion of the Journal’s readers. The editors look for innovative ideas, some element of novelty, good writing, evidence of literature survey where available, and compliance with A Uniform System of Citation, 21st edition, for footnote form.  Submissions are done electronically, in Microsoft Word format.  Authors may submit on the Scholastica platform (  Alternatively, submissions may be sent to  All submissions should include an abstract that includes at least one relevant word like “education,” “pedagogy,” “class,” or “teaching.”  Authors must remove all identifying information from the electronic submission attached file in order to assure blind review. If files do contain identifying information, authors will be requested to resubmit the file with the information redacted. All review of books, software and films should be sent to

Copy: All copy should be spaced either space-and-a-half or double-spaced. To permit blind refereeing, the manuscripts must not identify the author or the author’s institutional affiliation. A removable cover page should contain the title, the name, position, institutional affiliation, address, email address and telephone number of each author. The first page of the manuscript should contain the title.  Manuscripts will not be accepted for publication unless all footnotes and citations are in compliance with A Uniform System of Citation, 21st edition. The author is responsible for compliance with this system of citation and footnote accuracy. 

Additionally, the journal is now using Arabic numerals (e.g. “1.” in bold & small-caps for first-level heading, “2.1.” in bold and sentence-case for second-level heading, “2.1.1.” in sentence-case for level-three headings, and no-numbers but indented / italicized / sentence-case for level-four headings) for section headings instead of Roman numerals.  Please use this new numbering format for your submission.

Tables and Figures: Tables should be included in the manuscript with clear, self-explanatory headings and, if appropriate, the source at the bottom.

Action: Consideration of manuscripts is normally complete within eight weeks after receipt by the Journal. Authors are obliged to proofread the galley proofs. It is also the responsibility of authors to obtain permission to preprint copyrighted material and to pay any necessary fees. Permission forms are available from the editor. In case of coauthored works, the editor will correspond with the lead author. All authors must sign a copyright release.

Citations: The Journal is properly cited as J.LEGAL STUD. EDUC.

Note: The Journal of Legal Studies Education is indexed in the Current Law Index, The Legal Resources Index, and Legal Trac.

General correspondence should be addressed to:

Dale Thompson, Editor-in-Chief (
Dept. of Ethics & Business Law
Opus College of Business, MCH 316
University of St. Thomas
2115 Summit Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55105

ALSB Journal of Business Law & Ethics Pedagogy

The Academy of Legal Studies is pleased to announce the launch of its new journal, the Journal of Business Law & Ethics Pedagogy (JBLEP).  The objective of our new journal is to offer faculty another outlet that archives the excellent teaching ideas of our members and other faculty, as well as to provide publishing and service opportunities.  The double-blind peer-reviewed journal will be fully online and accessible to all.

The journal is now accepting paper submissions and soliciting reviewers.  The journal will appear in Cabell’s once it is launched.  Submissions can include teaching ideas, case studies, teaching methods, etc. related to the teaching of any area of business law, ethics, and related fields.

Journal of Business Law & Ethics Pedagogy:
The journal may be accessed here


The JBLEP is a blind peer-reviewed journal and we need reviewers.  Because of the excellent teaching of our members, we expect the papers you review to be interesting and helpful for your teaching in addition to being a great service to the Academy.

If you are interested in being a review for the journal, or if you have any questions, please contact Christine Ladwig at


JBLEP Author Submission Guidelines

Submitting Manuscripts

The Journal of Business Law and Ethics Pedagogy (JBLEP) is dedicated to disseminating business law and ethics pedagogy in an online, open-access format. JBLEP welcomes contributors to share their innovations in business law and ethics teaching, student learning, and classroom experiences in scholarly articles.

All submissions should be sent to JBLEP via email to until website submission is completed and fully functional. Authors should include “JBLEP Submission” in the subject line and should present their submission via two file attachments.

Submissions should be at least 1,000 words and submitted as a Word document file that includes the entire paper with a cover page containing the title, name, position, institutional affiliation, address, email address, and telephone number of each author. Also include a second Word document with all identifying information removed to assure blind review.  Label each file as “FULL” or “BLIND” as part of the file name. Authors should also submit a list of key words by which to index the submission. To assist readers, please submit both broadly based keywords and more targeted keywords.

Figures and Diagrams

All figures, diagrams, and tables should be included in the manuscript with clear, self-explanatory headings and, if appropriate, the source at the bottom.


Citations should conform to one of the common academic reference/citation formats (Blue Book, APA, MLA). If you reference or cite to a source that is unavailable to the general public, please send one copy of the entire source along with your submission. This copy will remain “on-file” with the journal.


Unless otherwise indicated, the copyright of accepted submissions to The Journal of Business Law and Ethics Pedagogy (JBLEP) is retained by the Author(s). Authors of articles appearing in JBLEP grant to the journal a short-term exclusive license to publish, reproduce and distribute the work. Authors and JBLEP conjointly allow the reproduction and distribution of articles for educational use, provided that the cost is at or below the cost of reproduction, attribution is made to both the Author and JBLEP, and a copyright symbol or notice is affixed to each copy.


Direct all general inquiries or submissions to Christine Ladwig at

Copyright © 2023 - Academy of Legal Studies in Business